Step 4 - Use keyboard keys to scroll

In this step of the tutorial you learn how to use keyboard keys to scroll in those application components which support scrolling. You also set the application focus to work with the pointer input.

Set keyboard keys to scroll the list box in the Car application screen

In this section you set focus to the Car Grid List Box node to allow the user to scroll the list items in the Car application screen.

When a Grid List Box node has focus use:

To set keyboard keys to scroll the list box in the Car application screen:

  1. In the Project > RootPage > NavigationButtons > Grid Layout 2D select the CarButton node and in the Properties set the Up Navigation Node property to #Car Grid List Box.
    You move focus from the CarButton node to the Car Grid List Box node when the user presses the (Up Arrow) key on the keyboard.
  2. In the Project > RootPage > Car select the Car Grid List Box node and in the Properties add and set:

In the Preview when you use the (Right Arrow) key to navigate to the Page node Car, use:

Set keyboard keys to scroll the list box in the Navigation application screen

In this section you set focus to the Navigation Grid List Box node to allow the user to scroll the list items in the Navigation application screen.

To set keyboard keys to scroll the list on the Navigation application screen:

  1. In the Project > RootPage > NavigationButtons > Grid Layout 2D select the NavigationButton node, in the Properties add the Up Navigation Node property, and set it to #Navigation Grid List Box.
    You set focus from the NavigationButton node to the Navigation Grid List Box node when the user presses the (Up Arrow) key on the keyboard.
  2. In the Project > RootPage > Navigation > Grid Layout 2D select the Navigation Grid List Box node and in the Properties add and set the Left Navigation Node property to #CarButton.
    You set focus from the Navigation Grid List Box node to the CarButton node when the user presses the (Left Arrow) key on the keyboard.

In the Preview when you use the (Right Arrow) key to navigate to the Page node Navigation, use:

Set a key to open the Map application screen

In this section you set focus to the button which opens the Map application screen so that you can open the Map application screen.

To set a key to open the Map application screen:

  1. In the Project > RootPage > Navigation > Grid Layout 2D select the Navigation Grid List Box node and in the Properties add and set the Right Navigation Node property to #OpenMap.
    You set focus from the Navigation Grid List Box node to the OpenMap button when the user presses the (Right Arrow) key on the keyboard.
  2. In the Project > RootPage > Navigation > Grid Layout 2D select the OpenMap node and in the Properties add and set the Left Navigation Node property to #Navigation Grid List Box.
  3. In the Project > RootPage > Navigation > Grid Layout 2D select the OpenMap node, in the Node Components add to the Button: Click trigger a Set Focus action, and set the Target Item to #Scroll View 2D.
    You set focus to the Scroll View node which scrolls the map on the Map application screen when the user presses the OpenMap button to open that application screen.

When you set focus to the button which you use to open the Map application screen, press the Enter key on the keyboard to click that button.

When you navigate to the Map application screen, you can use the arrow keys on the keyboard to scroll the map.

Set a key to close the Map application screen

In this section you add the functionality to close the Map window when the user presses the E key on the keyboard.

To set a key to close the Map application screen:

  1. In the Project > RootPage > Navigation > Map select the Scroll View 2D node and in the Node Components add a Key Down trigger.
  2. In the Trigger Settings for the trigger you created in the previous step click Add condition and in the Trigger Condition Editor set:

    In the Trigger Condition Editor and the Trigger Settings Editor windows click Save
    You set the application to close the Map application screen when the user presses the E key.

  3. Add to the Key Down trigger the actions you need to close the Map application screen:
  4. In the Project > RootPage > Navigation > Map select the CloseMap node, in the Node Components add to the Button: Click trigger a Set Focus action, and set the Target Item to #Navigation Grid List Box.
    When the user uses the pointer to click the CloseMap button which closes the Map application screen, the application sets the focus back to the Navigation Grid List Box node.

In the Preview use the E key to close the Map application screen.

Finalize the keyboard navigation

In this section you finalize the keyboard navigation to make sure that the key input works together with pointer input. Because you set focus based on which keyboard key the user presses, using the pointer does not set the focus in the correct place. If you use the keyboard to navigate to a Page node and set focus to a button on that Page, and then use the pointer to close that Page, the focus remains on that button.

To finalize the keyboard navigation:

  1. In the Project > RootPage select the Home node, in the Node Components add the Page Activated trigger, add to that trigger a Set Focus action, and set the Target Item to #HomeButton.
  2. Repeat the previous step for other Page nodes in the application but in the Set Focus action set the Target Item to:

In the Preview you can now use both the keyboard keys you have defined in this tutorial and your pointer to navigate the application.

Use these keyboard keys to navigate the application:


What's next?

In this tutorial you learned how to add keyboard input to an application using the Kanzi focus manager and JavaScript scripts. Now you can learn more about how to:

See also

To find out more about how focus works in Kanzi, see Focus.

To find out more about using triggers, see Using triggers.

To find out more about using scripts, see Using scripts.

To find out more about the Page and Page Host nodes, see Tutorial: Create application flow with Page nodes.

For a list of the keyboard key codes used in Kanzi, see Keyboard input codes reference.